
We are happy to announce that Feist will be released on July 23rd 2015.

We teamed up with lovely Finji from Austin Texas to bring Feist to your PC, Mac and Linux via Steam and other storefronts.

“Booths that Nailed It at GDC 2015”

Indie Game Girl selected our GDC Play Booth as one of the “5 Booths that Nailed It at GDC 2015“. Thank you Emmy Jonassen! (Picture by Official GDC under CC BY 2.0.)


Grafik 15

Feist was shown at the Grafik 15, an annual exhibition that brings together the work from swiss graphic designers, illustrators, typographers and visual artists. Thank you Pro Helvetia for making this happen!

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

Best in Play!

Together with our swiss friends from Blindflug we have been awarded Best in Play by the GDC Play jury. We are looking forward to San Francisco, wow, it’s only two weeks!

Time to post some fireworks that happened in front of our studio at Pfingstweid (captured by Nicolas Büchi, lead tester & head of facility management at Feist).


GDC Play & New Video

We will be at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco and Feist will be shown as part of the GDC Play exhibition. Do stop by at booth PL419 and try out the latest build!

As we’re preparing Feist for release, we’re looking for help marketing and/or publishing the game. If you think you could help us or know anyone that would be a great fit, please let us know!

The video above shows in-game footage from our latest build and the music from Tomek Kolczynski’s soundtrack for Feist. It has been a while since the last video and the game has changed tremendously. We hope you like how Feist’s grown.