Bits & Beasts
Based in Zurich, Switzerland
Founding date:
January 1, 2013
Press / Business contact:
@Feist on Twitter
FeistGame on Facebook
Bits & Beasts
Feist GmbH
Pfingstweidstrasse 6
8005 Zurich
Please email first!
Bits & Beasts is a small independent game studio based in Zurich, Switzerland. Founded in 2013 by Adrian Stutz and Florian Faller, Bits & Beasts has released its debut game Feist on July 23rd.
Before Bits & Beasts
Bits & Beasts is part of the growing Swiss game scene, which has won many international awards and is producing a steady series of successful projects. Adrian and Florian have been active in the Swiss game scene long before founding Bits & Beasts and have been working on various projects in different constellations.
In 2013 Adrian and Florian founded Bits & Beasts to focus on its debut project Feist and in hope of creating a hub for future collaborations and projects.
The Founders
Florian Faller is working at the Zurich University of the Arts as lecturer and researcher. He has worked as game designer on independent game projects, major game titles and serious games. He organizes exhibitions and publishes with respect to game culture. Florian studied German literature at the University of Basel and design at the Zurich University of the Arts.
Adrian Stutz is an independent game designer and software developer. He has made casual games, works on interactive installations and has created several open source projects. He studied game design at the Zurich University of the Arts.
Trailer Vimeo
There are far more images available for Bits & Beasts, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
There are currently no logos or icons available for Bits & Beasts. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!
Awards & Recognition
- "Winner – SGDA –Swiss Game Award" - CH, 2016
- "Winner – GDC Play – Best in Play" - US, 2015
- "Winner – Alexander Clavel Foundation – Culture Award" - CH, 2013
- "Winner – Swiss Game Selection" - CH, 2011
- "Finalist – IGF – Excellence in Visual Arts" - US, 2009
- "Winner – Unity Awards – Best Overall Design" - DK, 2008
- "Winner – Unity Awards – Best Visual Design" - DK, 2008
Additional Links
Feist Blog
Visit our blog at playfeist.net/blog.
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks